
Showing posts from April, 2016

Juggling With Mandarins Activity

We have been learning how to use Canva.  Here is the link if you would like to it check out... . We made posters promoted the book Juggling With Mandarins.  If you would like to look at my poster.... Juggling With Mandarins I would recommend this book for year 7/8 up!

Juggling With Mandarins - Word Find

In our classroom we have been reading the book Juggling With Mandarins. We made a word find with all the emotions that Philip was experiencing during that chapter. We are learning to find feelings in writing that have been shown and not told. If you would like to have a go at trying out my word find, feel free to check out the link below.... Phil's Emotions Word Find

Touch Typing

Everyday in our classroom for at least 10 minutes we practice Touch Typing. We do this to get better at typing with the right fingers on the right home keys. Here is the link if you want to check it out: https://www. typing typing -qwerty-en.html I have been working on lesson 8: H&G and today I got 100% under 30 seconds. Here is an image of it: My goal is to get up to level  60 by the end of term 4. Here is a few images that show close I am to achieving that goal... At the moment I need to work on level 22.

Welcome To My Blog!

Hello my name is Hayley! In our classroom (Room 6) we have been learning to write profiles about ourselves without including to much personal information.  Below is my blog profile.

Benson's Big Book Of Freak Outs

I have recently read a book called Benson's Big Book Of Freak Outs. This book is very funny with lots of bright and colourful illustrations. I would recommend this book for ages 10+.